[Pacemaker] software raid cluster, raid1 ressource agent, help needed

Patrik.Rapposch at knapp.com Patrik.Rapposch at knapp.com
Thu Mar 3 14:05:44 UTC 2011

Good Day,

I have a 2 node active/passive cluster which is connected to two  ibm 4700 
storages. I configured 3 raids and I use the Raid1 ressource agent for 
managing the Raid1s in the cluster.
When I now disable the mapping of one storage, to simulate the fail of one 
storage, the Raid1 Ressources change to the State "FAILED" and the second 
node then takes over the ressources and is able to start the raid devices.

So I am confused, why the active node can't keep the raid1 ressources and 
the former passive node takes them over and can start them correct.

I would really appreciate your advice, or maybe someone already has a 
example configuration for Raid1 with two storages.

Thank you very much in advance. Attached you can find my cib.xml.

kr Patrik

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Patrik Rapposch, BSc
System Administration

KNAPP Systemintegration GmbH
Waltenbachstraße 9
8700 Leoben, Austria 
Phone: +43 3842 805-915
Fax: +43 3842 805-500
patrik.rapposch at knapp.com 

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