[Pacemaker] RHEL 6.0 STONITH configuration

Digimer linux at alteeve.com
Thu Jun 9 13:43:31 UTC 2011

On 06/09/2011 09:11 AM, Pawel Warowny wrote:
> Hi
> I've just moved my cluster from Debian Squeeze to RedHat 6.0.
> Everything (well almost :)) went fluently beside STONITH configuration.
> My hardware are HP DL370 G6 servers with iLO interface.
> On Debian I had stonith configured this way:
> primitive stonith-node1 stonith:external/riloe \
> params hostlist="node1" ilo_hostname="ilo1" ilo_user="some_user" \
> ilo_password="some_passwd" ilo_can_reset="0" ilo_protocol="1.2" \
> ilo_powerdown_method="button
> On RedHat there is no such plugin:
> (...)stonith/plugins/external/riloe
> I've found this script: /usr/sbin/fence_ilo in fence-agents package and
> from command line it works great:
> [root at twin2 log]# /usr/sbin/fence_ilo -o status -a ilo1 -l some_login -p some_pass
> Status: ON
> But I have no idea how to integrate it into pacemaker stonith
> configuration.
> There was also an error when I was trying list stonith ra:
> [root at twin2 log]# crm ra list stonith
> lrmadmin[24309]: 2011/06/09_15:08:16 ERROR: lrm_get_rsc_type_supported(412): failed to receive a reply message of rtypes.
> Best regards

The person who can answer this is Andrew Beekhof, but he is currently in 
the middle of a move. If you don't get an answer in a couple of days, 
ask again in case this gets lost in the mountain of email he'll no doubt 
have waiting for him. :)

Of course, if anyone else knows, do share!

E-Mail:              digimer at alteeve.com
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