[Pacemaker] Trouble getting fence_apc working on RHEL 6.1

Digimer linux at alteeve.com
Sun Jul 17 20:49:21 UTC 2011

On 07/17/2011 04:36 PM, Uwe Grawert wrote:
> Am 17.07.11 20:32, schrieb Digimer:
>> I've been trying to get my APC switched PDU working with Pacemaker using
>> Red Hat's fence_apc fence agent. The agent itself works fine. I can
>> fence nodes using:
>> fence_na -a -l apc -p secret -n 1 -o reboot
>> When I try to fence using CRM though, I get these two errors:
>> st_output="Parse error: Ignoring unknown option
>> 'nodename=an-node02.alteeve.com'#012Failed: Unable to obtain correct
>> plug status or plug is not available#012"
>> The configuration is:
>> # crm configure show
>> node an-node01.alteeve.com \
>> 	attributes standby="off"
>> node an-node02.alteeve.com \
>> 	attributes standby="off"
>> primitive apc-fencing stonith:fence_apc \
>> 	params \
>> 	pcmk_host_map="an-node01.alteeve.com:1,an-node02.alteeve.com:2" \
>> 	pcmk_host_list="an-node01.alteeve.com an-node02.alteeve.com" \
>> 	pcmk_host_check="static-list" \
>> 	ipaddr="" \
>> 	action="reboot" \
>> 	login="apc" \
>> 	passwd="secret" \
>> 	port="TBA" \
>> 	property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
>> 	dc-version="1.1.5-5.el6-01e86afaaa6d4a8c4836f68df80ababd6ca3902f" \
>> 	cluster-infrastructure="openais" \
>> 	expected-quorum-votes="2" \
>> 	stonith-enabled="true"
>> The full log file and the 'pe-warn' file are quite long and would wrap
>> badly in email. So I've put them up here:
>> http://wiki.alteeve.com/index.php/CRM_troubles
>> Any idea what magic I am missing? :)
> Pacemaker is adding following parameters: option, nodename, port,
> additionally to the ones you have configured. The nodename parameter is
> not the problem, it is ignored. But you have a port parameter defined:
> port="TBA". That one is getting overwritten with the node's name to
> fence. I had the same issue with fence_bladecenter agent and had to
> patch it.
> I wrote an email to this list a month ago. Subject: "Pacemaker
> additional parameters on stonith plugins"
> But there was no big fuzz ;)

As I understood it, the:


was supposed to provide the name -> port mapping when port="TBA" is
used... Did you get a config working?

E-Mail:              digimer at alteeve.com
Freenode handle:     digimer
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