[Pacemaker] technical solution needed - challenge

Patrik.Rapposch at knapp.com Patrik.Rapposch at knapp.com
Wed Feb 9 15:36:22 UTC 2011


I need a technical solution for following challenge:

I need a logging daemon, which accepts remote logs from other servers and 
writes those to a shared space in an active/passive cluster. If we do this 
over syslog-ng not monitored over the cluster, we can't failover when the 
logging continues on the shared space, because its not able to unmount. 
(tried many times).

If we take syslog-ng into cluster we are blind for booting up the system 
and many more negative things. 

I already tried using rsyslog as addittional logger, who should only 
listen on network sockets, but don't think this will work (i am stuck on 
this and waiting for rsyslog forum replies).
So if anyone may has ideas or a solution for this, please mail it to me.

Thx in advance.

kr Patrik

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Patrik Rapposch, BSc
System Administration

KNAPP Systemintegration GmbH
Waltenbachstraße 9
8700 Leoben, Austria 
Phone: +43 3842 805-915
Fax: +43 3842 82930-500
patrik.rapposch at knapp.com 

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