[Pacemaker] Failover configuration with apache

Raoul Bhatia [IPAX] r.bhatia at ipax.at
Tue Feb 8 15:26:05 UTC 2011

On 02/08/2011 02:37 PM, u.schmeling at online.de wrote:
> Hi list,
> have some problems to setup the above configuration. My environment is as follows:
> rhel6 , pacemaker-1.1.2-7.el6.x86_64, apache2, haproxy running on both nodes, service addresses are managed by pacemaker
> there is an additional resource script, that takes care of reloading/restarting apache in case of failover. This script doesn't work ass expected.
> The lsb checks are passed by the script, however when running in lrmd context I get:
> [9555]: info: rsc:apacheIP:13: monitor
> lrmd: [9555]: info: rsc:haproxyIP:12: monitor
> lrmd: [9555]: notice: lrmd_rsc_new(): No lrm_rprovider field in message
> lrmd: [9555]: info: rsc:webservice:21: probe
> lrmd: [7177]: ERROR: (raexeclsb.c:execra:267) execv failed for /etc/init.d/apache2: Exec format error
> lrmd: [9555]: info: rsc:webservice:22: stop
> lrmd: [7178]: WARN: For LSB init script, no additional parameters are needed.
> lrmd: [7178]: ERROR: (raexeclsb.c:execra:267) execv failed for /etc/init.d/apache2: Exec format error

what happens if you execute  /etc/init.d/apache2 without any parameter?
what dies "file -k /etc/init.d/apache2" show?

> primitive webservice lsb:apache2 \
>  op start interval="0"

why do you use lsb instead of the ocf:heartbeat:apache?

DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia M.Sc.          email.          r.bhatia at ipax.at
Technischer Leiter

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