[Pacemaker] Adding a timeout to an existing primitive

Jody McIntyre jodym at trustcentric.com
Fri Feb 18 16:17:56 UTC 2011

I added a primitive to my cluster without setting a timeout:

root at trustcentric2:~# crm configure primitive PostgreSQL
WARNING: PostgreSQL: default timeout 20s for start is smaller than the
advised 120
WARNING: PostgreSQL: default timeout 20s for stop is smaller than the
advised 120

I would now like to correct the timeout, since the defaults are too short.
How do I do this?  I found a brief section in one of the manuals:
but this is really unclear.  What id do I use in the <op>?  Can I simply
make one up?  I assume the name attribute matches the command in the OCF but
I'm not sure.

Also, perhaps more importantly, is there a way to do this without editing
XML?  I am happy to do this myself, but I don't think in-depth knowledge of
XML should be a requirement for any admins we hire!

I have attached an XML dump.

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