[Pacemaker] Pacemaker / Postfix startup problem...

Adam Reiss Adam.Reiss at qlogitek.com
Thu Apr 14 16:10:02 UTC 2011

Hi Raoul,

We're trying to setup a HA SMTP Relay, so having pacemaker stop/start
the services as it passes the work over to the other machine, should
Postfix fail...  Is there a better way to allow an HA SMTP relay?

It's running under VMWare, having two different guests, on two different

I've attached the output you've requested. :)

There is no syslog file in /var/log .

-----Original Message-----
From: Raoul Bhatia [IPAX] [mailto:r.bhatia at ipax.at] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 11:56 AM
To: Adam Reiss
Cc: The Pacemaker cluster resource manager
Subject: Re: [Pacemaker] Pacemaker / Postfix startup problem...

On 04/13/2011 03:56 PM, Adam Reiss wrote:
> Thank you for responding Raoul!
> I do appreciate any help you could pass along. :)


i would need the logfiles. please use hb_report to generate a report!
something like:

   hb_report -f $start -t $end /root/hb_report_postfix/

where $start is before and $end is after the problem occurred.

please also do a quick

   grep alternate_config_directories /var/log/syslog

and attach the output.

as a side note: why do you want to manage the main postfix instance
via pacemaker?

you do realize, that - unless you setup a clone, you will not
receive any emails (e.g. output from cronjobs, etc.) from
the secondary node?

DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia M.Sc.          email.          r.bhatia at ipax.at
Technischer Leiter

IPAX - Aloy Bhatia Hava OG          web.          http://www.ipax.at
Barawitzkagasse 10/2/2/11           email.            office at ipax.at
1190 Wien                           tel.               +43 1 3670030
FN 277995t HG Wien                  fax.            +43 1 3670030 15
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