[Pacemaker] double stonith device

Christian Zoffoli czoffoli at xmerlin.org
Tue Apr 5 18:28:13 CET 2011

Il 04/04/2011 20:03, Andrew Daugherity ha scritto:
> The APC PDUs do support outlet groups spanning several PDUs, using multicast I
> believe.  There's even a note about it in README.rackpdu in the cluster-glue
> package:
> ====
> In case your nodes are equipped with multiple power supplies, the
> PDU supports synchronous operation on multiple outlets on up to
> four Switched Rack PDUs. See the User's Guide for more
> information on how to setup outlet groups.
> ====
> What I'm not clear about is how to tell the apcmaster stonith plugin which
> outlet group to control.  The only parameters mentioned in its built-in help are
> ipaddr, login, and password.

thank you very much ...I've not seen such feature before ...I'll make
some tests.


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