[Pacemaker] error: ocf:heartbeat:IPv6addr: could not parse meta-data

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Wed Sep 22 07:58:53 UTC 2010

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Angelo Höngens <a.hongens at netmatch.nl> wrote:
> On 25-8-2010 8:36, Andrew Beekhof wrote:
>>> I guess whoever packaged the rpm's can answer why the file is missing,
>>> but was that someone from the clusterlabs team or someone from the
>>> linux-ha team? :)
>> Basically because I left out the libnet dependancy.
>> The status of libnet as a viable project has been uncertain lately.
> Andrew,
> Because we have some ipv6 nodes I want to try out pacemaker on again,
> I'd really like to build an rpm of the resource agents package with ipv6
> support in. If you could tell a newbie like me how to do it, I'd be
> really grateful, and I think a lot of people will be happy as well. We
> run CentOS/RHEL5 everywhere.
> I've never built an RPM before, but it doesn't look that hard (until I
> saw the errors).
> I've installed all the dependencies (yum install autoconf automake gcc
> libnet-devel libtool libxml2-devel bzip2-devel glib2-devel libxslt-devel
> e2fsprogs-devel docbook-style-xsl rpm-build), and I want to make sure I
> can compile an RPM first before changing anything in the code.
> But even when doing that, I get errors:
> ------------------------------------------------
> [angelo at test1 redhat]$ sudo rpm -i
> http://clusterlabs.org/rpm/epel-5/src/resource-agents-1.0.3-2.el5.src.rpm
> [angelo at test1 redhat]$ cd /usr/src/redhat/
> [angelo at test1 redhat]$ rpmbuild -bb SPECS/resource-agents.spec
> [..cut..]
> Provides: config(ldirectord) = 1.0.3-2 heartbeat-ldirectord
> Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1
> rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
> Requires: /bin/sh /usr/bin/perl config(ldirectord) = 1.0.3-2 ipvsadm
> perl(Digest::MD5) perl(Getopt::Long) perl(IO::Select) perl(IO::Socket)
> perl(LWP::Debug) perl(LWP::UserAgent) perl(Mail::Send) perl(Net::Ping)
> perl(Net::SMTP) perl(POSIX) perl(Pod::Usage) perl(Socket) perl(Socket6)
> perl(Sys::Hostname) perl(Sys::Syslog) perl(strict) perl(vars)
> perl-MailTools perl-Net-SSLeay perl-libwww-perl
> Conflicts: heartbeat-ldirectord
> Obsoletes: heartbeat-ldirectord
> Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files
> /var/tmp/resource-agents-1.0.3-build
> RPM build errors:
>    File not found: /var/tmp/resource-agents-1.0.3-build/usr/sbin/sfex_init
>    File not found:
> /var/tmp/resource-agents-1.0.3-build/usr/lib64/heartbeat/sfex_daemon
> [angelo at test1 redhat]$
> ------------------------------------------------
> Can you please help me in my quest to the desired end result? (which is
> the knowledge to build an ipv6-enabled version of the resource-agents so
> I can install it on my nodes, and I can rebuild it after each version
> upgrade of the source package).

You're close :-)
Try installing the -devel package for cluster-glue and trying again.

> It would be great if it would be part of the basic packages as well, but
> alas this does not seem to be the case right now.
> I can provide ssh root access to a clean vm (centos 5.5, x64) if needed.
> --
> With kind regards,
> Angelo Höngens
> systems administrator
> MCSE on Windows 2003
> MCSE on Windows 2000
> MS Small Business Specialist
> ------------------------------------------
> NetMatch
> tourism internet software solutions
> Ringbaan Oost 2b
> 5013 CA Tilburg
> +31 (0)13 5811088
> +31 (0)13 5821239
> A.Hongens at netmatch.nl
> www.netmatch.nl
> ------------------------------------------
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