[Pacemaker] Couldn't find device [/dev/drbd/by-res/wwwdata]. Expected /dev/??? to exist

Vladislav Bogdanov bubble at hoster-ok.com
Sat Sep 4 09:47:32 UTC 2010

04.09.2010 12:26, Alisson Landim wrote:
> Hey, i notice something when i restarted both computers.
> The problem of the kernel bug occurs when the second computer loads,
> until there the first computer was able to mount using your hint of
> "/dev/drbd1". The file system was mounted and everything were seemed to
> be fine.
> When i started corosync on the second, both machines broadcast a message
> of kernel bug i said before and a first message that said:

What exactly is the kernel bug do you speak about?
Can you please post what do you see on console?

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