[Pacemaker] Ordering clones and primitives

Pavlos Parissis pavlos.parissis at gmail.com
Sun Oct 31 14:29:33 UTC 2010

On 30 October 2010 19:55, Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars at oddbit.com> wrote:

> I have a two node cluster that hosts two virtual ips on the same network:
>  primitive proxy_0_ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr \
>    params ip="" cidr_netmask="" nic="eth3"
>  primitive proxy_1_ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr \
>    params ip="" cidr_netmask="" nic="eth3"
> After the ip address comes up, the system must establish a network
> route and a default route.  I'm having trouble defining the
> relationships between these services.  I started with this:
>  primitive public_net_route ocf:heartbeat:Route \
>    params destination=""
>   device="eth3" table="1"
>  primitive public_def_route ocf:heartbeat:Route \
>    params destination="default" gateway=""
>   device="eth3" table="1"
>  clone clone_public_def_route public_def_route
>  clone clone_public_net_route public_net_route

why do you need/want to clone these 2 resources?
For me would make more to 1 group per IP and place the resources in the
order you want

> But having got this before, I don't understand how to estbalish the
> necessary ordering between the routes and the ip address resources.
> The clones can't come up on a host until one of the ip addresses are
> available on the host.  In other words, the cloned resources cannot be
> active on a host unless an ip address resource is also active on that
> host.
> I tried this:
>  order ip_0_before_routes inf: proxy_0_ip clone_public_net_route
>  order ip_1_before_routes inf: proxy_1_ip clone_public_net_route
>  order net_route_before_def_route \
>   inf: clone_public_net_route clone_public_def_route
> ...but the clone services in this case don't start unless both ips are
> started.  Shutting down either ip takes down *all* of the clone
> resources on both nodes.
> Is it possible to do what I want?  This seems like exactly the same
> relationship that would exist betwee, say, a cloned Apache instance
> and a set of ip address resources, but I can't find a good example.
I am not sure if you can place order constraints like this on clones.
Most experience users will know better

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