[Pacemaker] Problem with configuring stonith rcd_serial

Eberhard Kuemmerle E.Kuemmerle at fz-juelich.de
Fri Oct 29 12:04:38 UTC 2010


28 Oct 2010 16:58, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:

>> Despite that, I tried a stonith reset with that config and the modified
>> rcd_serial.so, but it failed:
>> Oct 28 10:58:56 node1 stonith-ng: [5224]: WARN: parse_host_line: Could
>> not parse (0 2): ** (process:24232): DEBUG: rcd_serial_set_config:called
>> Oct 28 10:58:56 node1 stonith-ng: [5224]: WARN: parse_host_line: Could
>> not parse (3 19): (process:24232): DEBUG: rcd_serial_set_config:called
>> Oct 28 10:58:56 node1 stonith-ng: [5224]: WARN: parse_host_line: Could
>> not parse (0 0):
>> Oct 28 10:58:56 node1 stonith-ng: [5224]: ERROR: log_operation:
>> Operation 'reboot' [24240] for host 'node2' with device 'stonith-P:1'
>> returned: 1 (call 0 from (null))
> No other messages?
All messages with stonith-ng are:

Oct 26 11:07:10 node1 stonith-ng: [5348]: info: Invoked:
Oct 26 11:07:10 node1 stonith-ng: [5348]: info:
G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal handler for signal 17
Oct 28 08:55:38 node1 stonith-ng: [5224]: info: Invoked:
Oct 28 08:55:38 node1 stonith-ng: [5224]: info:
G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal handler for signal 17
Oct 28 10:54:23 node1 stonith-ng: [5224]: notice: stonith_device_action:
Device stonith-P:1 not found
Oct 28 10:58:56 node1 stonith-ng: [5224]: WARN: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (0 2): ** (process:24232): DEBUG: rcd_serial_set_config:called
Oct 28 10:58:56 node1 stonith-ng: [5224]: WARN: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (3 19): (process:24232): DEBUG: rcd_serial_set_config:called
Oct 28 10:58:56 node1 stonith-ng: [5224]: WARN: parse_host_line: Could
not parse (0 0):
Oct 28 10:58:56 node1 stonith-ng: [5224]: ERROR: log_operation:
Operation 'reboot' [24240] for host 'node2' with device 'stonith-P:1'
returned: 1 (call 0 from (null))
Oct 28 10:59:56 node1 stonith-ng: [5224]: ERROR: remote_op_timeout:
Action reboot (5255ad54-96b4-42d9-9596-71e68be339b3) for node2 timed out

> You can also try to test it on the command line:
> # stonith -t rcd_serial hostlist=... ... -lS
> # stonith -t rcd_serial hostlist=... ... -T reset node
stonith -t rcd_serial -p "test /dev/ttyS0 rts 2000" test
** (process:21181): DEBUG: rcd_serial_set_config:called
Alarm clock

stonith -t rcd_serial hostlist="node1 node2" ttydev="/dev/ttyS0"
dtr\|rts="rts" msduration="2000" -S
** (process:28054): DEBUG: rcd_serial_set_config:called
stonith: rcd_serial device OK.

stonith -t rcd_serial hostlist="node1 node2" ttydev="/dev/ttyS0"
dtr\|rts="rts" msduration="2000" -l
** (process:27543): DEBUG: rcd_serial_set_config:called
node1 node2

stonith -t rcd_serial hostlist='node1 node2' ttydev="/dev/ttyS0"
dtr\|rts="rts" msduration="2000" -T reset node2
** (process:29624): DEBUG: rcd_serial_set_config:called
** (process:29624): CRITICAL **: rcd_serial_reset_req: host 'node2' not
in hostlist.

stonith -t rcd_serial hostlist='node1, node2' ttydev="/dev/ttyS0"
dtr\|rts="rts" msduration="2000" -T reset node2
** (process:26929): DEBUG: rcd_serial_set_config:called
** (process:26929): CRITICAL **: rcd_serial_reset_req: host 'node2' not
in hostlist.
==> RESET FAILED (notice: hostlist is comma separated here)

stonith -t rcd_serial hostlist="node1 node2" ttydev="/dev/ttyS0"
dtr\|rts="rts" msduration="2000" -T reset "node1 node2"
==> RESET WORKS, BUT the argument <<reset "node1 node2">> is shit...
==> There seems to be a problem with parsing the host list!

> Add -d to get debugging messages.
stonith -t rcd_serial hostlist='node1 node2' ttydev="/dev/ttyS0"
dtr\|rts="rts" msduration="2000" -T reset node2 -d
** (process:23673): DEBUG: NewPILPluginUniv(0x605060)
** (process:23673): DEBUG: PILS: Plugin path =
** (process:23673): DEBUG: NewPILInterfaceUniv(0x6051a0)
** (process:23673): DEBUG: NewPILPlugintype(0x605550)
** (process:23673): DEBUG: NewPILPlugin(0x605cc0)
** (process:23673): DEBUG: NewPILInterface(0x605d10)
** (process:23673): DEBUG:
NewPILInterface(0x605d10:InterfaceMgr/InterfaceMgr)*** user_data: 0x0
** (process:23673): DEBUG:
** (process:23673): DEBUG: Registering Implementation manager for
Interface type 'InterfaceMgr'
** (process:23673): DEBUG: PILS: Looking for InterfaceMgr/generic =>
** (process:23673): DEBUG: Plugin file
/usr/lib64/stonith/plugins/InterfaceMgr/generic.so does not exist
** (process:23673): DEBUG: PILS: Looking for InterfaceMgr/generic =>
** (process:23673): DEBUG: Plugin path for InterfaceMgr/generic =>
** (process:23673): DEBUG: PluginType InterfaceMgr already present
** (process:23673): DEBUG: Plugin InterfaceMgr/generic  init function:
** (process:23673): DEBUG: NewPILPlugin(0x605dc0)
** (process:23673): DEBUG: Plugin InterfaceMgr/generic loaded and
** (process:23673): DEBUG: Calling init function in plugin
** (process:23673): DEBUG: NewPILInterface(0x606810)
** (process:23673): DEBUG:
NewPILInterface(0x606810:InterfaceMgr/stonith2)*** user_data: 0x605e10
** (process:23673): DEBUG: Registering Implementation manager for
Interface type 'stonith2'
** (process:23673): DEBUG: IfIncrRefCount(1 + 1 )
** (process:23673): DEBUG: PluginIncrRefCount(0 + 1 )
** (process:23673): DEBUG: IfIncrRefCount(1 + 100 )
** (process:23673): DEBUG: PILS: Looking for stonith2/rcd_serial =>
** (process:23673): DEBUG: Plugin path for stonith2/rcd_serial =>
** (process:23673): DEBUG: Creating PluginType for stonith2
** (process:23673): DEBUG: NewPILPlugintype(0x605120)
** (process:23673): DEBUG: Plugin stonith2/rcd_serial  init function:
** (process:23673): DEBUG: NewPILPlugin(0x606920)
** (process:23673): DEBUG: Plugin stonith2/rcd_serial loaded and
** (process:23673): DEBUG: Calling init function in plugin
** (process:23673): DEBUG: NewPILInterface(0x606bb0)
** (process:23673): DEBUG:
NewPILInterface(0x606bb0:stonith2/rcd_serial)*** user_data:
0x7f8d036071c0 *******
** (process:23673): DEBUG: IfIncrRefCount(101 + 1 )
** (process:23673): DEBUG: PluginIncrRefCount(0 + 1 )
** (process:23673): DEBUG: rcd_serial_set_config:called

** (process:23673): CRITICAL **: rcd_serial_reset_req: host 'node2' not
in hostlist.
** (process:23673): DEBUG: IfIncrRefCount(1 + -1 )
** (process:23673): DEBUG: RemoveAPILInterface(0x606bb0/rcd_serial)
** (process:23673): DEBUG: RmAPILInterface(0x606bb0/rcd_serial)
** (process:23673): DEBUG: PILunregister_interface(stonith2/rcd_serial)
** (process:23673): DEBUG: Calling InterfaceClose on stonith2/rcd_serial
** (process:23673): DEBUG: IfIncrRefCount(102 + -1 )
** (process:23673): DEBUG: PluginIncrRefCount(1 + -1 )
** (process:23673): DEBUG: RemoveAPILPlugin(stonith2/rcd_serial)
** (process:23673): DEBUG: RmAPILPlugin(stonith2/rcd_serial)
** (process:23673): DEBUG: Closing dlhandle for (stonith2/rcd_serial)
** (process:23673): DEBUG: RmAPILPluginType(stonith2)
** (process:23673): DEBUG: DelPILPluginType(stonith2)
** (process:23673): DEBUG: DelPILInterface(0x606bb0/rcd_serial)

> BTW, can't recall somebody using rcd_serial. Why don't you use a
> real fencing device?
Oh, rcd_serial is simple an cheap (our electronics workshop manufactured
the hardware)
and I think it would exactly provide what we need, if it would work!

Best regards,

Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: MinDirig Dr. Karl Eugen Huthmacher
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem (Vorsitzender),
Dr. Ulrich Krafft (stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bolt,
Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt

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