[Pacemaker] pacemaker with heartbeat

Dejan Muhamedagic dejanmm at fastmail.fm
Tue May 4 11:29:46 UTC 2010


On Mon, May 03, 2010 at 08:03:16PM +0300, Amira Osman wrote:
> Iam new to CRM concept and Iam little confused about adding resource such as
> apache because each time i add it it returns me warning saying that default
> time out is smaller than advised timeout in start and stop and

The meta data in the resource agent (apache in this case)
contains the advised minimum timeouts for all actions the RA
supports. You can see them by running "crm ra info apache". The
default timeout for all operations is set to 20 seconds and it
applies in case no timeout has been specified for the operation.
start and stop operations are implied, i.e. they will always run
even though you don't see them in your configuration. You can get
rid of the warnings by setting better timeouts:

property www ocf:heartbeat:apache ... \
	op start timeout=100s \
	op stop timeout=100s

Hrm, this needs to go to a FAQ.

> although the
> resource is not running i can't start it using(crm resource start WebSite )

This is another matter. You'd have to look at the logs.



> Iam using these versions of heartbeat and pacemaker
> heartbeat-libs-3.0.3-1.el5
> pacemaker-1.0.8-5.el5
> on CentOS5.3
> Please I need clarification concerning this issue

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