[Pacemaker] need info multicast-corosync

Michael Schwartzkopff misch at multinet.de
Thu Mar 18 04:36:45 UTC 2010

Am Mittwoch, 17. März 2010 22:46:32 schrieb Winkler Norbert:
> Hello again
> At first sorry for this simple  (stupid?) question in this special forum
> so please don't lough:
> I am still learning a lot trying to configure a cluster.
> I am unterstand the sense of multicastadress  but i have still problems
> to handle it.
> My nodes are and on eth1 (drbd is
> and with crosover cable on eth0)
> so my bindnetadress is
> the corosync mcastadr
> Port 5405
> So do i have to make an
> route add  netmask  whic.hone.????.???? dev eth1
> or is it enough to have  mcastaddr in the corosync.config
> If someone would be so kind to answer this question.
> Thank you
> Norbert Winkler

No route needed. Just configure a  bindnetaddr in corosync.conf. 
You also could add a second interface with a ringnumber 1 and a bindnetaddr to the config.

Dr. Michael Schwartzkopff
MultiNET Services GmbH
Addresse: Bretonischer Ring 7; 85630 Grasbrunn; Germany
Tel: +49 - 89 - 45 69 11 0
Fax: +49 - 89 - 45 69 11 21
mob: +49 - 174 - 343 28 75

mail: misch at multinet.de
web: www.multinet.de

Sitz der Gesellschaft: 85630 Grasbrunn
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München HRB 114375
Geschäftsführer: Günter Jurgeneit, Hubert Martens


PGP Fingerprint: F919 3919 FF12 ED5A 2801 DEA6 AA77 57A4 EDD8 979B
Skype: misch42

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