[Pacemaker] the instance id of clone is changed after removing constraints

Junko IKEDA ikedaj at intellilink.co.jp
Mon Mar 29 07:57:07 UTC 2010


I have the following resources,

Last updated: Mon Mar 29 16:09:53 2010
Stack: openais
Current DC: cspm01 - partition with quorum
Version: 1.0.8-d353c41113af stable-1.0 tip
4 Nodes configured, 4 expected votes
2 Resources configured.

Online: [ cspm01 cspm02 cspm03 cspm04 ]

  Resource Group: group01
      gDummy01   (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started cspm01
      gDummy02   (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started cspm01
      gDummy03   (ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started cspm01
  Clone Set: clone01
      Started: [ cspm01 cspm04 ]

* Node cspm02:
* Node cspm03:
* Node cspm04:
    cDummy01:1: migration-threshold=1
     + (6) start: rc=0 (ok)
     + (7) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok)
* Node cspm01:
    gDummy01: migration-threshold=1
     + (8) start: rc=0 (ok)
     + (9) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok)
    gDummy02: migration-threshold=1
     + (10) start: rc=0 (ok)
     + (11) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok)
    gDummy03: migration-threshold=1
     + (12) start: rc=0 (ok)
     + (13) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok)
    cDummy01:0: migration-threshold=1
     + (6) start: rc=0 (ok)
     + (7) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok)

call "crm_resource" to move group01 from cspm01 to cspm04.

# crm_resource -M -r group01 -H cspm04 -f -Q

the above operation went well,
but after trying to remove constraints depended on a move command,

# crm_resource -U -r group01

cDummy01:0 on cspm01 switched to cDummy01:1
cDummy01:1 on cspm04 switched to cDummy01:0

# ptest -VVV -x pe-input-5.bz2
ptest[21723]: 2010/03/29_16:50:56 WARN: unpack_nodes: Blind faith: not  
fencing unseen nodes
ptest[21723]: 2010/03/29_16:50:56 notice: group_print:  Resource Group:  
ptest[21723]: 2010/03/29_16:50:56 notice: native_print:      gDummy01    
(ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started cspm04
ptest[21723]: 2010/03/29_16:50:56 notice: native_print:      gDummy02    
(ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started cspm04
ptest[21723]: 2010/03/29_16:50:56 notice: native_print:      gDummy03    
(ocf::pacemaker:Dummy): Started cspm04
ptest[21723]: 2010/03/29_16:50:56 notice: clone_print:  Clone Set: clone01
ptest[21723]: 2010/03/29_16:50:56 notice: short_print:      Started: [  
cspm01 cspm04 ]
ptest[21723]: 2010/03/29_16:50:56 notice: RecurringOp:  Start recurring  
monitor (10s) for cDummy01:0 on cspm04
ptest[21723]: 2010/03/29_16:50:56 notice: RecurringOp:  Start recurring  
monitor (10s) for cDummy01:1 on cspm01
ptest[21723]: 2010/03/29_16:50:56 notice: LogActions: Leave resource  
gDummy01   (Started cspm04)
ptest[21723]: 2010/03/29_16:50:56 notice: LogActions: Leave resource  
gDummy02   (Started cspm04)
ptest[21723]: 2010/03/29_16:50:56 notice: LogActions: Leave resource  
gDummy03   (Started cspm04)
ptest[21723]: 2010/03/29_16:50:56 notice: LogActions: Move resource  
cDummy01:0  (Started cspm01 -> cspm04)
ptest[21723]: 2010/03/29_16:50:56 notice: LogActions: Move resource  
cDummy01:1  (Started cspm04 -> cspm01)

Why the instance id of clone is changed?

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