[Pacemaker] [PATCH] add fsck execution mode parameter for Filesystem RA

Takatoshi MATSUO matsuo.takatoshi at oss.ntt.co.jp
Thu Jun 3 03:38:09 UTC 2010


I suggest to add a parameter which decides executing fsck
as user's policy in Filesystem RA.

Because, current RA dose not check ext3 because executing fsck depends on
But ext3 sometimes is broken and remounted read-only although it has journal, so
I want to decide myself executing fsck before mount to operate more safely.

This new parameter has three mode "auto","force" and "no".
Default is "auto" which do the same thing as before.
"force" and "no" mean what they say.

Takatoshi MATSUO
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Name: Filesystem-run-fsck.patch
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