[Pacemaker] Pacemaker and drbd problem

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Thu Feb 4 12:04:48 UTC 2010

On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 9:47 PM,  <subscriptions at ludmata.info> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two node cluster, running Master/Slave drdb and fs resources (there
> will be more resources later). Here are the details of the software I'm
> using: Debian 5.03 stable, DRBD 8.3.7 compiled from source, corosync 1.1.2
> and pacemaker1.0.6 installed from madkiss repository.
> I have a problem, that I can't solve for two days and a lot of digging in
> internet. The cluster works right in all cases but one - node1 runs Primary
> DRBD and it is mounted the fs resource, than I simulate power loss (plug
> out the power cord of node1) and node2 takes all resources, promotes DRBD
> and mount the fs (so far so good).Then again I simulate power loss by
> unplugging the power cord of node2. Then I power on node1, and it boots,
> loads its stuff and start corosync and then the cluster resource manager
> promotes DRBD to Primary on node1 (it should not!).

But you told it too.

And you prevented the cluster from being sure that the other side
didn't already have drbd promoted

Basically you created a split-brain condition and turned off the
options that might have prevented data corruption :-)

> That is a disaster,
> because i intend to run SQL database on that cluster and that way I might
> loose a huge amount of data. I also have ancient two node cluster running
> heartbeat 1 and drbd 6.x with drbdisk resource, and its behavior in that
> case is to stop and ask "My data may be outdated, are you sure you want to
> continue?". I tried the same scenario without cluster engine (that is the
> old way, isnt it) - enabled DRBD init scripts and repeated same steps. In
> that particular case DRBD stopped waiting the other node and asks if i want
> to continue (good boy, that is exactly what I want!). So, my problem must
> be somewhere in configuration of resources, but I can't understand what I'm
> doing wrong. So, let ask straight - How to do this in pacemaker. I just
> want node1 stops and waits for my confirmation what to do or something of
> that sort, but never ever promote drbd to master!
> If somebody wonders why I do this scenario, let me explain: My company own
> a APC Smart UPS, who in case of power loss shut down one node of each
> cluster (we have two pairs of clusters in separate vlans, so I cant create
> a 4 node cluster, which will solve this problem, at least partially) after
> the level of the battery falls bellow certain level. If battery runs below
> the critical level, the UPS kills all servers, but two our logging server
> and one of DB nodes. If the power dont come, than ups kills the last node.
> The only machine that waits to its the death is our logging server.  When
> the power comes, the UPS starts all servers, that are down. If that happens
> when all nodes are down, we end with the following situation - the first
> node that comes up become SynkSource, and that node may be not the last one
> survived the UPS rage.
> One of the possible sollutions is to use old heartbeat resource manager
> drbddisk, that uses the drbd init script. But I don like it :)
> Here are my configs:
> corosync.conf
> totem {
>        version: 2
>        token: 3000
>        token_retransmits_before_loss_const: 10
>        join: 60
>        consensus: 1500
>        vsftype: none
>        max_messages: 20
>        clear_node_high_bit: yes
>        secauth: off
>        threads: 0
>        rrp_mode: passive
> #external interface
>        interface {
>                ringnumber: 0
>                bindnetaddr:
>                mcastaddr:
>                mcastport: 5405
>        }
> #internal interface
>        interface {
>                ringnumber: 1
>                bindnetaddr:
>                mcastaddr:
>                mcastport: 5405
>        }
> }
> amf {
>        mode: disabled
> }
> service {
>        ver:       0
>        name:      pacemaker
> }
> aisexec {
>        user:   root
>        group:  root
> }
> logging {
>        fileline: off
>        to_stderr: yes
>        to_logfile: no
>        to_syslog: yes
>        syslog_facility: daemon
>        debug: off
>        timestamp: on
>        logger_subsys {
>                subsys: AMF
>                debug: off
>                tags: enter|leave|trace1|trace2|trace3|trace4|trace6
>        }
> }
> -------------
> drbd.conf
> common {
>  syncer { rate 100M; }
> }
> resource drbd0 {
>  protocol C;
>  handlers {
>   fence-peer "/usr/lib/drbd/crm-fence-peer.sh";
>   after-resync-target "/usr/lib/drbd/crm-unfence-peer.sh";
>   pri-on-incon-degr "echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger ; halt -f";
>   pri-lost-after-sb "echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger ; halt -f";
>   local-io-error "echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger ; halt -f";
>   outdate-peer "/usr/lib/heartbeat/drbd-peer-outdater -t 5";
>   pri-lost "echo pri-lost. Have a look at the log files. | mail -s 'DRBD
> Alert' root";
>  }
>  startup { wfc-timeout  0; degr-wfc-timeout 0; }
>  disk { on-io-error   detach; fencing resource-only;}
>  net {
>     sndbuf-size 1024k;
>     timeout       20;    #  6 seconds  (unit = 0.1 seconds)
>     connect-int   10;    # 10 seconds  (unit = 1 second)
>     ping-int      3;    # 10 seconds  (unit = 1 second)
>     ping-timeout   5;    # 500 ms (unit = 0.1 seconds)
>     ko-count 4;
>     cram-hmac-alg "sha1";
>     shared-secret "password";
>     after-sb-0pri disconnect;
>     after-sb-1pri disconnect;
>     after-sb-2pri disconnect;
>     rr-conflict disconnect;
>  }
>  syncer { rate 100M; }
>  on db1 {
>    device     /dev/drbd0;
>    disk       /dev/db/db;
>    address;
>    flexible-meta-disk  internal;
>  }
>  on db2 {
>    device    /dev/drbd0;
>    disk      /dev/db/db;
>    address;
>    meta-disk internal;
>  }
> }
> -----------------------
> crm:
> crm(live)# configure show
> node db1 \
>        attributes standby="off"
> node db2 \
>        attributes standby="off"
> primitive drbd-db ocf:linbit:drbd \
>        params drbd_resource="drbd0" \
>        op monitor interval="15s" role="Slave" timeout="30" \
>        op monitor interval="16s" role="Master" timeout="30"
> primitive fs-db ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
>        params fstype="ext3" directory="/db" device="/dev/drbd0"
> primitive ip-dbclust.v52 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
>        params ip="" broadcast="" nic="eth1"
> cidr_netmask="24" \
>        op monitor interval="21s" timeout="5s"
> ms ms-db drbd-db \
>        meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1"
> notify="true" target-role="Started"
> location drbd-fence-by-handler-ms-db ms-db \
>        rule $id="drbd-fence-by-handler-rule-ms-db" $role="Master" -inf: #uname
> ne db1
> location lo-ms-db ms-db \
>        rule $id="ms-db-loc-rule" -inf: #uname ne db1 and #uname ne db2
> colocation fs-on-drbd0 inf: fs-db ms-db:Master
> colocation ip-on-drbd0 inf: ip-dbclust.v52 ms-db:Master
> order or-drbd-bf-fs inf: ms-db:promote fs-db:start
> order or-drbd-bf-ip inf: ms-db:promote ip-dbclust.v52:start
> property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
>        no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
>        stonith-enabled="false" \
>        expected-quorum-votes="2" \
>        last-lrm-refresh="1264523323" \
>        dc-version="1.0.6-cebe2b6ff49b36b29a3bd7ada1c4701c7470febe" \
>        cluster-infrastructure="openais"
> I hope somebody can help me, I am completely lost :(
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