[Pacemaker] drbd doesn't work on simple 2-node cluster.

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Tue Feb 16 15:38:03 EST 2010

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 4:52 PM, Kees <chkoehoorn at live.nl> wrote:
> Hello Alexandr,
> I came from a 3-node cluster, so i had  symmetric-cluster="false"
> configured.
> But things did not work and I went back to a 2-node situation just to check
> if that was still working. My 2-node setup was working but with
>  symmetric-cluster="true".
> I forgot about it. So puting this back and removing  target-role="Started"
> from the MS-resource did the trick.
> As I understand when you tell the cluster it is symmetric it knows there are
> two nodes, and figuring out where to put the MS resource is not so
> difficult.
> But when there are more then two nodes, the cluster is not symmetric
> anymore, you have to configure where to put the MS resource as i understand
> from Andrews answer.
> The thing about not to configure target-role="Started" is not clear to me,
> but i gues it has something to do the 'order' thing where the ms resource
> gets promoted.

symmetric is more about where things can run by default ("false":
nowhere, "true": anywhere).

has some more information.

> Op 11-2-2010 11:03, Alexandr Krylovskiy schreef:
>> On Wed, 10 Feb 2010 13:42:42 +0100
>> Kees<chkoehoorn at live.nl>  wrote:
>>> Hello Andrew/All,
>>> Thanks. It works again. This is what I had running after I wanted to
>>> move on to a 3-node cluster.
>>> Two drbd-nodes for storage and one as a webserver via NFS.
>>> So i have to set the cluster back to non-symmetric and fiddle around
>>> with location constraints to get the
>>> tho drbd-nodes back to where they are now. Right?
>>> PS I'm a newbie to this so sorry this stupid mistake!
>>> Greetings,
>>> Kees Koehoorn
>>  What did you do to make it work again?
>>  I have similar issue.
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