[Pacemaker] group logic in hb_gui

Bart Coninckx bart.coninckx at telenet.be
Thu Dec 23 20:55:08 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 22 December 2010 06:30:36 Yan Gao wrote:
> On 12/22/10 04:16, Bart Coninckx wrote:
> > All,
> > 
> > I recently jumped from the hb_gui version of SLES10 to the one in SLES11.
> > I noticed that the "colocated" and "ordered" properties of a group
> > cannot be set anymore. Should I assume that the ordering is now
> > determined by the order of the shown list (and hence the reason of being
> > able to shift resources up and down in the list)?
> Correct.
> > And is colocation now by default on for resources in a
> > group or should I now handle both ordering and colocation with
> > constraints?
> The "ordered" and "colocated" attributes of a group default to "true".
> Regards,
>   Yan


thx! So if I observe some of my iSCSILogicalUnit resource instances stop and I 
can't start them, that is not related to the fact that Pacemaker tries to 
start them on another node? The default colocation of the group they belong to 
should prevent that?

thx again,


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