[Pacemaker] stonith sbd problem

philipp.achmueller at arz.at philipp.achmueller at arz.at
Tue Aug 10 08:16:05 UTC 2010


following configuration:

node lnx0047a
node lnx0047b
primitive lnx0101a ocf:heartbeat:KVM \
        params name="lnx0101a" \
        meta allow-migrate="1" target-role="Started" \
        op migrate_from interval="0" timeout="3600s" \
        op migrate_to interval="0" timeout="3600s" \
        op monitor interval="10s" \
        op stop interval="0" timeout="360s"
primitive lnx0102a ocf:heartbeat:KVM \
        params name="lnx0102a" \
        meta allow-migrate="1" target-role="Started" \
        op migrate_from interval="0" timeout="3600s" \
        op migrate_to interval="0" timeout="3600s" \
        op monitor interval="10s" \
        op stop interval="0" timeout="360s"
primitive pingd ocf:pacemaker:pingd \
        params host_list="" multiplier="100" \
        op monitor interval="15s" timeout="5s"
primitive sbd_fence stonith:external/sbd \
        params sbd_device="/dev/hdisk-4652-38b5" stonith-timeout="60s"
clone fence sbd_fence \
        meta target-role="Started"
clone pingdclone pingd \
        meta globally-unique="false" target-role="Started"
location lnx0101a_ip lnx0101a \
        rule $id="lnx0101a_ip-rule" -inf: not_defined pingd or pingd lte 0
location lnx0102a_ip lnx0102a \
        rule $id="lnx0102a_ip-rule" -inf: not_defined pingd or pingd lte 0
property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
        dc-version="1.1.2-2e096a41a5f9e184a1c1537c82c6da1093698eb5" \
        cluster-infrastructure="openais" \
        expected-quorum-votes="2" \
        stonith-enabled="true" \
        stonith-action="reboot" \
        no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
        default-resource-stickiness="1000" \

during clustertest i disabled the interface where pingd ist listening on 
node lnx0047a. i get "Node lnx0047a: UNCLEAN (offline)" on lnx0047b, the 
stonith command is being executed:

Aug  9 16:25:05 lnx0047b pengine: [22211]: WARN: pe_fence_node: Node 
lnx0047a will be fenced because it is un-expectedly down
Aug  9 16:25:05 lnx0047b pengine: [22211]: WARN: custom_action: Action 
lnx0102a_stop_0 on lnx0047a is unrunnable (offline)
Aug  9 16:25:05 lnx0047b pengine: [22211]: WARN: custom_action: Marking 
node lnx0047a unclean
Aug  9 16:25:05 lnx0047b pengine: [22211]: notice: RecurringOp:  Start 
recurring monitor (10s) for lnx0102a on lnx0047b
Aug  9 16:25:05 lnx0047b pengine: [22211]: WARN: custom_action: Action 
pingd:0_stop_0 on lnx0047a is unrunnable (offline)
Aug  9 16:25:05 lnx0047b pengine: [22211]: WARN: custom_action: Marking 
node lnx0047a unclean
Aug  9 16:25:05 lnx0047b pengine: [22211]: WARN: custom_action: Action 
sbd_fence:0_stop_0 on lnx0047a is unrunnable (offline)
Aug  9 16:25:05 lnx0047b pengine: [22211]: WARN: custom_action: Marking 
node lnx0047a unclean
Aug  9 16:25:05 lnx0047b pengine: [22211]: WARN: stage6: Scheduling Node 
lnx0047a for STONITH
Aug  9 16:25:05 lnx0047b pengine: [22211]: info: native_stop_constraints: 
lnx0102a_stop_0 is implicit after lnx0047a is fenced
Aug  9 16:25:05 lnx0047b pengine: [22211]: info: native_stop_constraints: 
pingd:0_stop_0 is implicit after lnx0047a is fenced
Aug  9 16:25:26 lnx0047b stonith-ng: [22207]: info: 
initiate_remote_stonith_op: Initiating remote operation reboot for 
lnx0047a: ee3d0c69-067a-423b-88bc-6d661a2b3254
Aug  9 16:25:26 lnx0047b stonith-ng: [22207]: info: log_data_element: 
stonith_query: Query <stonith_command t="stonith-ng" 
st_async_id="ee3d0c69-067a-423b-88bc-6d661a2b3254" st_op="st_query" 
st_callid="0" st_callopt="0" 
st_remote_op="ee3d0c69-067a-423b-88bc-6d661a2b3254" st_target="lnx0047a" 
st_clientid="eba960fb-ef44-4ffb-a017-d5e01177b4ec" src="lnx0047b" seq="32" 
Aug  9 16:25:26 lnx0047b stonith-ng: [22207]: info: 
can_fence_host_with_device: sbd_fence:1 can fence lnx0047a: dynamic-list
Aug  9 16:25:26 lnx0047b stonith-ng: [22207]: info: stonith_query: Found 1 
matching devices for 'lnx0047a'
Aug  9 16:25:26 lnx0047b stonith-ng: [22207]: info: stonith_command: 
Processed st_query from lnx0047b: rc=1
Aug  9 16:25:26 lnx0047b stonith-ng: [22207]: info: call_remote_stonith: 
Requesting that lnx0047b perform op reboot lnx0047a
Aug  9 16:25:26 lnx0047b stonith-ng: [22207]: info: log_data_element: 
stonith_fence: Exec <stonith_command t="stonith-ng" 
st_async_id="ee3d0c69-067a-423b-88bc-6d661a2b3254" st_op="st_fence" 
st_callid="0" st_callopt="0" 
st_remote_op="ee3d0c69-067a-423b-88bc-6d661a2b3254" st_target="lnx0047a" 
st_device_action="reboot" src="lnx0047b" seq="34" />
Aug  9 16:25:26 lnx0047b stonith-ng: [22207]: info: 
can_fence_host_with_device: sbd_fence:1 can fence lnx0047a: dynamic-list
Aug  9 16:25:26 lnx0047b stonith-ng: [22207]: info: stonith_fence: Found 1 
matching devices for 'lnx0047a'
Aug  9 16:25:26 lnx0047b pengine: [22211]: WARN: process_pe_message: 
Transition 6: WARNINGs found during PE processing. PEngine Input stored 
in: /var/lib/pengine/pe-warn-102.bz2
Aug  9 16:25:26 lnx0047b pengine: [22211]: info: process_pe_message: 
Configuration WARNINGs found during PE processing.  Please run "crm_verify 
-L" to identify issues.
Aug  9 16:25:26 lnx0047b sbd: [23278]: info: reset successfully delivered 
to lnx0047a
Aug  9 16:25:27 lnx0047b sbd: [23845]: info: lnx0047a owns slot 1
Aug  9 16:25:27 lnx0047b sbd: [23845]: info: Writing reset to node slot 
ps -eaf:
root     24002 24001  0 16:25 ?        00:00:00 stonith -t external/sbd 
sbd_device /dev/hdisk-4652-38b5 stonith-timeout 60s nodename lnx0047a -T 
reset lnx0047a
root     24007 24002  0 16:25 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash 
/usr/lib64/stonith/plugins/external/sbd reset lnx0047a
root     24035 22192  0 16:25 ?        00:00:00 

lnx0047a reboots successful, but during the image startup of images 
lnx0047a several stonith commands being executed on the online 

$ ps -eaf|grep ston
root     22207 22192  0 16:15 ?        00:00:00 
root     23272 23271  0 16:25 ?        00:00:00 stonith -t external/sbd 
sbd_device /dev/hdisk-4652-38b5 stonith-timeout 60s nodename lnx0047a -T 
reset lnx0047a
root     23277 23272  0 16:25 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash 
/usr/lib64/stonith/plugins/external/sbd reset lnx0047a
root     23340 23339  0 16:26 ?        00:00:00 stonith -t external/sbd 
sbd_device /dev/hdisk-4652-38b5 stonith-timeout 60s nodename lnx0047a -T 
reset lnx0047a
root     23345 23340  0 16:26 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash 
/usr/lib64/stonith/plugins/external/sbd reset lnx0047a
root     23438 23437  0 16:26 ?        00:00:00 stonith -t external/sbd 
sbd_device /dev/hdisk-4652-38b5 stonith-timeout 60s nodename lnx0047a -T 
reset lnx0047a
root     23443 23438  0 16:26 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash 
/usr/lib64/stonith/plugins/external/sbd reset lnx0047a

after lnx0047a is up again it get stonithed automatically by lnx0047b, 
althought the cluster isn't up and running (autostart watchdog)

so, i'm unable to start lnx0047a until i manually kill alle the stonith 
processes on lnx0047b. 

during reboot-cycle on lnx0047a the Resources aren't able to start on 

$ crm_verify -LV
crm_verify[27816]: 2010/08/09_16:25:41 WARN: pe_fence_node: Node lnx0047a 
will be fenced because it is un-expectedly down
crm_verify[27816]: 2010/08/09_16:25:41 WARN: determine_online_status: Node 
lnx0047a is unclean
crm_verify[27816]: 2010/08/09_16:25:41 WARN: custom_action: Action 
lnx0101a_stop_0 on lnx0047a is unrunnable (offline)
crm_verify[27816]: 2010/08/09_16:25:41 WARN: custom_action: Marking node 
lnx0047a unclean
crm_verify[27816]: 2010/08/09_16:25:41 WARN: custom_action: Action 
lnx0102a_stop_0 on lnx0047a is unrunnable (offline)
crm_verify[27816]: 2010/08/09_16:25:41 WARN: custom_action: Marking node 
lnx0047a unclean
crm_verify[27816]: 2010/08/09_16:25:41 WARN: custom_action: Action 
pingd:0_stop_0 on lnx0047a is unrunnable (offline)
crm_verify[27816]: 2010/08/09_16:25:41 WARN: custom_action: Marking node 
lnx0047a unclean
crm_verify[27816]: 2010/08/09_16:25:41 WARN: custom_action: Action 
sbd_fence:1_stop_0 on lnx0047a is unrunnable (offline)
crm_verify[27816]: 2010/08/09_16:25:41 WARN: custom_action: Marking node 
lnx0047a unclean
crm_verify[27816]: 2010/08/09_16:25:41 WARN: stage6: Scheduling Node 
lnx0047a for STONITH

any ideas on the stonith problem?
any ideas on the "unrunnable" problem?

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