[Pacemaker] error installing CentOS clvm after using clusterlabs repository

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Wed Aug 4 13:06:41 UTC 2010

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 2:48 PM, Michael Fung <mike at 3open.org> wrote:
> Thanks Brett.
> I tried the clvm package and found it still requires the RHCS stuff,
> ARGH!!! It seems I must either study the RHCS stuff or compile a clvm
> package that use corosync/openais. I feel depressed.

That shouldn't be necessary.
In the latest RHEL6 packages (as well as the upstream 1.1 repo),
Pacemaker has the ability to sit on top of RHCS.

Literally the only thing that is different to the official stack is
that you use Pacemaker to configure resources and fencing.
Everything else is there and running (so clvm should also be happy).

You can either use cluster.conf for configuring corosync/cman or I can
send you the corosync.conf snippet.

> Rgds,
> Michael
> On 2010/8/4 下午 04:16, Brett Delle Grazie wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> As others pointed out F13 has all the bits you need - it depends if this
>> is meant to be a production system or not (in fairness Fedora is not
>> recommended for production)
>> Personally I prefer the ease of administration that comes with Debian
>> based environments but many of my clients use RedHat based derivatives.
>> It all depends upon what you need and what you're familiar with.
>> Good luck,
>> Best Regards,
>> Brett
>> On Wed, 2010-08-04 at 09:05 +0800, Michael Fung wrote:
>>> Thanks to all who helped give hints.
>>> I switched to Debian Squeeze.
>>> I don't want to spend time to study RHCS of RHEL 5 if Pacemaker/Corosync
>>> is the future. Life is short.
>>> Rgds,
>>> Michael
>>> On 2010/8/3 下午 03:29, Brett Delle Grazie wrote:
>>>> Hi Mike,
>>>> In RHEL 5.x and CentOS 5.x you must use CMAN and the RedHat Cluster
>>>> Suite (RHCS) if you are going to used clustered LVM.
>>>> This is because clvmd currently uses the CMAN interface to the cluster.
>>>> In later versions, RedHat is moving towards Corosync / OpenAIS /
>>>> (Pacemaker | RgManager) solution but this will take a long time.
>>>> Christine Caufield (from RedHat) wrote an excellent document describing
>>>> the change process here:
>>>> http://people.redhat.com/ccaulfie/docs/Whither%20cman.pdf
>>>> I guess your options are:
>>>> (a) Switch to RHCS based cluster, at least for those nodes with
>>>> clustered LVM requirements (and GFS, GFS2 etc)
>>>> (b) Switch to RHEL 6.x Beta
>>>> (c) Try recompiling RHEL 6.x Beta packages - no guarantees here but it
>>>> should be possible, maybe.
>>>> (d) Try compiling current source of lvm2-cluster packages from Fedora or
>>>> Rawhide as they can use current versions of OpenAIS. The RHEL 5.x
>>>> versions of lvm2-cluster are fixed at using CMAN interface, not OpenAIS
>>>> (e) Switch to Debian based distro - Lenny is production ready and has
>>>> CLVM / Pacemaker / Corosync in backports ;)
>>>> (f) Something someone else on the list with more experience comes up
>>>> with :)
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