[Pacemaker] error installing CentOS clvm after using clusterlabs repository

Michael Fung mike at 3open.org
Wed Aug 4 01:05:16 UTC 2010

Thanks to all who helped give hints.

I switched to Debian Squeeze.

I don't want to spend time to study RHCS of RHEL 5 if Pacemaker/Corosync
is the future. Life is short.


On 2010/8/3 下午 03:29, Brett Delle Grazie wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> In RHEL 5.x and CentOS 5.x you must use CMAN and the RedHat Cluster
> Suite (RHCS) if you are going to used clustered LVM.
> This is because clvmd currently uses the CMAN interface to the cluster.
> In later versions, RedHat is moving towards Corosync / OpenAIS /
> (Pacemaker | RgManager) solution but this will take a long time.
> Christine Caufield (from RedHat) wrote an excellent document describing
> the change process here:
> http://people.redhat.com/ccaulfie/docs/Whither%20cman.pdf
> I guess your options are:
> (a) Switch to RHCS based cluster, at least for those nodes with
> clustered LVM requirements (and GFS, GFS2 etc)
> (b) Switch to RHEL 6.x Beta
> (c) Try recompiling RHEL 6.x Beta packages - no guarantees here but it
> should be possible, maybe.
> (d) Try compiling current source of lvm2-cluster packages from Fedora or
> Rawhide as they can use current versions of OpenAIS. The RHEL 5.x
> versions of lvm2-cluster are fixed at using CMAN interface, not OpenAIS
> (e) Switch to Debian based distro - Lenny is production ready and has
> CLVM / Pacemaker / Corosync in backports ;)
> (f) Something someone else on the list with more experience comes up
> with :)

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