[Pacemaker] Only Xen primitives not in groups migrate on failover

Michael Brown michael at netdirect.ca
Tue Apr 27 16:39:38 UTC 2010


I've discovered that if I have ocf::hb:Xen resources as primitives, they
migrate to other nodes on failover.

But if they are members of a group, the domUs stop/start. Am I doing it
wrong? I'd like to use the groups to minimize the amount of config I
need for each VM.

Here's my current config: http://pastebin.com/LSqWvtEx

guest1 stops/starts when triggered
guest3 migrates when triggered



Michael Brown               | `One of the main causes of the fall of
Systems Consultant          | the Roman Empire was that, lacking zero,
Net Direct Inc.             | they had no way to indicate successful
☎: +1 519 883 1172 x5106    | termination of their C programs.' - Firth

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