[Pacemaker] phpmyadmin failover

Raoul Bhatia [IPAX] r.bhatia at ipax.at
Tue Sep 22 08:56:00 UTC 2009

On 09/21/2009 07:16 AM, Stefan wrote:
> Am Sonntag 20 September 2009 15:19:55 schrieb Stefan:
>> correct username again. How can I keep the session open? Can someone help?
>  I found haproxy and Im trying to have it on top running, but same result. I 
> have to relogin. Does somene had tried haproxy with pacemaker, openais, drbd? 
> I have a failover from haproxy. I set the session path in php.ini  to drbd 
> device. Session data is stored. haproxy fails over but I dont have a session 
> failover. 

i do not know about ha-proxy but as stated, you have to keep your php
session directory (e.g. /var/lib/php5) in sync between your servers.

i guess a lot of ppl will do this either via drbd or via a nfs/iscsi/..
network share.

DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia M.Sc.          email.          r.bhatia at ipax.at
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