[Pacemaker] pacemaker openais drbd mysql cluster

Stefan stefan at fuhrmann.homedns.org
Sat Sep 19 16:35:57 UTC 2009

Am Samstag 19 September 2009 13:52:52 schrieb Florian Haas:

> >
> > Consultants earn their money because they can read manuals and logfiles!
the group is called mysql

> And they should be able to read configuration errors, too. :)


> >> fstype="ext3" \

hmm, this gives errors loading the file. Doing it overcommand line, it seems 
ignored cause its away. But I noticed that I forgott to do the entry in fstab:
/dev/drbd0      /service  ext3    defaults        0       2

In the moment it seems that the mysql cluster is running. Failover runs!!
> That trailing "\" shouldn't be there. That's probably what messes up
> everything else. Having the constraint refer to mysql (the group) rather
> than mysqld (the primitive) is perfectly fine. But my guess is that your
> trailing backslash causes ip_mysql to not be created at all, hence the
> group mysql isn't created either (as it can't find ip_mysql), and thus
> the shell complains about the constraints. Using the shell interactively
> would have highlighted that problem.

hmm, what is the better way to configure? I found it easier to a have a config 
file to load.


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