[Pacemaker] CRM help

Johan Verrept Johan.Verrept at able.be
Thu Oct 29 15:41:39 UTC 2009

If you use scripted input to crm, use full command lines:


configure erase
configure clone apache ocf:heartbeat:apache params... 



On Thu, 2009-10-29 at 11:38 -0400, Eliot Gable wrote:
> In the past, I have always done things by manually creating a CIB XML
> file and then importing it. But, to save time, I thought I would try
> CRM. So, I made this script:
> #!/bin/bash
> crm<<EOF
> configure
>  erase
> clone apache ocf:heartbeat:apache params
> configfile=/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
>  monitor apache 1s:5s
>  clone mysql ocf:heartbeat:mysql
>  monitor mysql 1s:5s
>  clone postgres ocf:heartbeat:postgresql params pgctl=/usr/bin/pg_ctl
>  monitor postgres 1s:5s


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