[Pacemaker] Node crash when 'ifdown eth0'

Dejan Muhamedagic dejanmm at fastmail.fm
Fri Nov 27 13:47:02 UTC 2009


On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 12:01:17PM +0100, Oscar Remí­rez de Ganuza Satrústegui wrote:
> Good morning,
> We are testing a cluster configuration on RHEL5 (x86_64) with
> pacemaker 1.0.5 and openais (0.80.5).
> Two node cluster, active-passive, with the following resources:
> Mysql service resource and a NFS filesystem resource (shared storage
> in a SAN).
> In our tests, when we bring down the network interface (ifdown
> eth0), the openais service (aisexec process) and other processes

Yes, openais gets nervous if the network interface disappears. I
think you'll find a core dump in /var/lib/openais. At any rate,
better make sure that the interface stays up. And don't use dhcp
but static addresses.

> (stonithd, cib, attrd and crmd) crash, and just some processes are
> still running:
> [root at herculespre ~]# ps -fea |grep "ais\|heartbeat"
> root      2343  2335  0 Nov26 pts/0    00:00:18 /usr/lib64/heartbeat/lrmd
> 102       2345  2335  0 Nov26 pts/0    00:00:01 /usr/lib64/heartbeat/pengine

Processes which are not talking to aisexec.



> root     30347  2287  0 11:15 pts/0    00:00:00 grep ais\|heartbeat
> We have to start again the openais service in order to bring up the
> node into the cluster.
> That is not happening if we just unplug the ethernet wire (through vmware).
> Is this a known bug?
> (I didn't want to spam the list with the full log, but if it is
> needed i can post it)
> I wanted to upgrade the packages in order to check if this is has
> been resolved in the new versions (pacemaker 1.0.6 and openais
> 1.1.0), but i couldn't find the new packages for RHEL5 on http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/server:/ha-clustering/RHEL_5/x86_64/
> Does anybody know if they are coming soon or where can we get them?
> Thank you very much for your work on this software!
> And for your help!
> Regards,
> ---
> Oscar Remírez de Ganuza
> Servicios Informáticos
> Universidad de Navarra
> Ed. de Derecho, Campus Universitario
> 31080 Pamplona (Navarra), Spain
> tfno: +34 948 425600 Ext. 3130
> http://www.unav.es/SI

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