[Pacemaker] globally-unique clone question

Joe Armstrong jarmstrong at postpath.com
Thu May 21 15:04:08 UTC 2009

Hi All,

I am a little confused about globally-unique clones, since there can be no instance attributes for a clone how do you tell each clone that it is unique ?

My use case is that we need to run N instances of a mail server, each mail server is unique in that it serves a specific domain, two mail server can never run on the same host.  In order to provide HA we need to tell the mail server instance what domain to serve (or what filesystem to mount in order to get the right data/config).

I was thinking that using globally-unique clones would be the way to manage this (it makes the mutual exclusion rule easy: clone-node-max=1) but I don't see how to make each instance unique.

... then again I could be mis-using the concept...

Thanks for any pointers.


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