[Pacemaker] pingd CPU usage increases slowly

Stelio Plautz stelio at sphome.net
Mon May 11 06:01:17 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I've set up a 2 node cluster on debian etch amd64, pacemaker 1.0.2-1
and heartbeat 2.99.1-1 from suse repository.
everything works fine, but pingd increases CPU usage slowly. I've two
pingd processes running and both use about 100 % CPU after 3 weeks.

14091 root      16   0 1299M 1263M   936 S 55.6  7.4
166h44:20 /usr/lib/heartbeat/pingd -D -p /var/run/public_net.pid -a
public_net -d 5s -m 100 -h xxx.xxx.xxx.1 14098 root      15   0 1299M
1263M   936 R 47.0  7.4 166h42:22 /usr/lib/heartbeat/pingd -D
-p /var/run/mgmt_net.pid -a mgmt_net -d 5s -m 100 -h zzz.zzz.zzz.1

I've found the following link ...
... and installed the pingd RA from pacemaker 1.0.3-1.
The default ping interval is now 1, but pingd CPU usage still

Thanks for any advice

Regards, stelio

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