[Pacemaker] fence timeouts

Bernd Schubert bernd.schubert at fastmail.fm
Sat Jul 25 14:56:33 UTC 2009

On Friday 24 July 2009, Andrew Beekhof wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 1:41 AM, Bernd
> Schubert<bs_lists at aakef.fastmail.fm> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I try to increase the fence timeouts, but I as much as I try, I don't
> > figure out how that works.
> [snip]
> > I really would be glad if someone could tell me which value has the
> > default stonith timeout
> Recent versions have the following cluster option:
>     <parameter name="stonith-timeout" unique="0">
>       <shortdesc lang="en">How long to wait for the STONITH action to
> complete</shortdesc>
>       <content type="integer" default="60s"/>
>       <longdesc lang="en">How long to wait for the STONITH action to
> complete</longdesc>
>     </parameter>

Thanks a lot Andrew, that works! 

For the archives, the commands are

crm_attribute --attr-name stonith-timeout --attr-value 240s


crm configure property stonith-timeout=240s


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