[Pacemaker] [Openais] Need your help.

Priyanka Ranjan priyanka3rdfeb at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 08:09:49 UTC 2009

Thanks a lot for your reply Lars

>> > Hi all,
>> > i am new to openais and pacemaker. i am working on sles11 . i have three
>> > questions.
>> If you are working on SLE11, please use the pacemaker list only. These
>> questions have nothing to do with linux-ha nor openais. I have set the
>> reply-to accordingly.
>> (Besides, SLE11 isn't released, so that's all beta code right now.)
>  ok , i will use pacemaker list now.
>> > 1) can any one tell me what resource agents are available . can i have a
>> > list of resource agents which openais supports  like apache, oracle ,
>> tomcat
>> > etc.
>> openAIS doesn't support any resource agents, those come from other
>> packages. But in your installed system, simply look at
>> /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/
>> This will also be documented in the Novell provided product docs, of
>> course.
>  i had no idea that openAIS doesnot support RA. can you send me the link of
> novell doc , i may get some other useful information also.
> i saw that dir and found heatbeat, lvm2 , ocfs2 and pacemaker there.
>  now one question if i want to use any of these  RA  in openAIS cluster can
> i use heatbeat , lvm2 ,ocfs2 or pacemaker's RA by making them provider.
>> > 2)  does openais + pacemaker support SCSI  Persisten Resrvation as one
>> of
>> > resource/node fencing method. i could not find PR when i did stonith -L
>> . do
>> > we need to write external stonith script if we want to use SCSI
>> Persisten
>> > Resrvation.
>> There is a scsi_reservation resource agent, but it is not used for
>> node-level fencing; you can simply add it to the resource hierarchy as
>> required.
>> If you want to fence through shared storage, the external/sbd stonith
>> script might be want you want.
>> > 3) i want to create two nodes cluster. i have generated the autheky on
>> one
>> > node and copied it to another node.. after starting openais service i
>> got
>> > two separate clusters on two nodes. i have specified following in
>> interface
>> > of openais.conf.
>> >
>> >    interface {
>> >                 #Network Address to be bind for this interface setting
>> >
>> >                 bindnetaddr:  # this is node1's pvt addr.
>> on
>> > node 2's openais.conf i have specified node2's ip address.
>> You can simply specify the network address, no need to specify the
>> explicit IP address here. (ie, likely
>> And if you want to use OCFS2, you must specify an explicit nodeid: field
>> (1, 2, 3, 4, ... this needs to be unique on each node).
>> > can i directly modify cib xml file to add a node or should i use  hb_gui
>> . i
>> > am not able to form two nodes cluster, please help me.
>> You NEVER edit cib.xml manually. _Never_. Only through tools such as
>> hb_gui, the "crm" shell, cibadmin etc.
>> You don't need to add nodes to the configuration explicitly, they'll get
>> auto-added to the CIB as soon as openais forms a ring. Try without
>> "secauth", maybe the encryption is proving troublesome for you.
>> There are docs on clusterlabs.org on how to set this all up, too.
>> Regards,
>>    Lars
>> --
> secauth is off in both openais.conf file. i have followed the openais
> document. i have generted the authkey and copied it to second node also .  i
> am kind of stuck here :( .
> could you please help me. i have attached the openais.conf of one node with
> this mail. please have a look of this and let me know what's going wrong
> here.
> Thanks a lot again for your help,
> Priyanka.
>> Teamlead Kernel, SuSE Labs, Research and Development
>> SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
>> "Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes." -- Oscar Wilde
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