[Pacemaker] drbd : returned 8 (master) instead of the expected value: 7 (not running)

Dejan Muhamedagic dejanmm at fastmail.fm
Fri Apr 17 11:36:02 UTC 2009


On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 06:13:51AM +0000, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> hi
> i'm using pacemaker 1.0.3  / hb 2.9.2-sle11rc9 on debian etch. 
> altough everything is working like expected, these warnings pop up every 
> 5 minutes (the reckeck interval):
> Apr 17 07:04:52 ib002 crmd: [31460]: WARN: do_state_transition: 
> Progressed to state S_POLICY_ENGINE after C_TIMER_POPPED
> Apr 17 07:04:52 ib002 pengine: [5973]: info: unpack_rsc_op: r-drbd0-
> db:0_monitor_0 on ib002 returned 8 (master) instead of the expected 
> value: 7 (not running)
> Apr 17 07:04:52 ib002 pengine: [5973]: WARN: unpack_rsc_op: Operation r-
> drbd0-db:0_monitor_0 found resource r-drbd0-db:0 active in master mode on 
> ib002
> (full loglines here: http://pastebin.com/m1b60ff7a)
> so pengine thinks drbd resource "db" is master on ib002. here ist the 
> output of "drbdadm state db":
> ib002:~# drbdadm state db
> Secondary/Primary
> and pengine thinks it should be "not running". but it should think that 
> it is "started slave". 
> reading the drbd RA i can't see why it would report 8 as exit code.
> is there a way to dynamically start debug log of the DRDD ressource agent 
> to see why it reports 8 as exit code?

You can send USR1 to lrmd to increase debugging. The RA itself
has no such provision, but you can edit it as you see fit.

This looks like a bug to me, perhaps in the drbd RA, so you
should file a bugzilla (please use hb_report).



> - Thomas
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