[Pacemaker] Shooting and diagnosis of stonith plugins

Dejan Muhamedagic dejanmm at fastmail.fm
Fri Oct 10 19:01:37 UTC 2008

Hi Takenaka-san,

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 03:30:27PM +0900, Takenaka Kazuhiro wrote:
> Hi all.
> So far as I know, every stonith plugin is expected to diagnose if
> its target is fenced out from the other nodes before it returns
> successful status on 'reset' or 'off'.

It depends on the stonith device. Sometimes it is enough just to
send the reset command and let the device deal with it. Sometimes
it is necessary to check the current power state. However, it
looks like this is not what you want to talk about.

> However, I think this diagnosis is somewhat excess burden for an
> indivdual plugin.

Actually, the stonith plugins are not required to know the state
of the host. They just make sure that the host is in a certain
state or that it is reset. This normally doesn't involve the host
itself, just the device which can manage it. Put in other words:
If you pull the power plug or press the reset button there's no
need to try ping or ssh or whatever else to verify that the host
really went down.

> Because authors of plugins know how to deal with stonith devices
> for which they make plugins, but they can't always expect structure
> of clusters on which their plugins will work.
> When a clusters administrator try to use some plugin but the diagnosis
> of the plugin doesn't match the cluster, the administrator can't help
> but directly alter the plugin.
> This gets down plugins' adaptiveness and can't be favorable.
> One idea to avoid this problem is making schemes or conventions
> which enable plugins to delegate the diagnosis to other plugins.
> Attached two plugins are a sample of this idea. They work cooperatively
> by the attached cib.xml.

It is an interesting idea. It seems like it would require that
all existing stonith plugins return false so that the next, the
"test status" plugin can report the state of the host.

> 'sshAltered' only shoots its targets and 'pingAllAddr' only diagnoses
> activity of its targets.
> The followings are little more detailed explanations:
>   When some accidents made necessary to shoot a corrupted node
>   by another node, the shooter node uses 'sshAltered' firstly to
>   shoot the target node.
>   'sshAltered' shoots its targets but never exits with a successful
>   status if the value of attribute 'shoot_only' is "yes" in the same
>   way as the attached cib.xml. So, next plugin will be used always
>   if it is defined.
>   'pingAllAddr' confirms activity of the IP addresses of its targets
>   specified in cib.xml. If any of the IP addresses don't respond,
>   'pingAllAddr' exits with a successful status, otherwise it
>   exits with an error status.
> After once 'external/ssh' is rewritten into 'sshAltered', there
> is no need to rewrite it again to use other conditions to
> confirm targets' death.
> For example, if a cluster uses iSCSI shared storages and
> a failover action on this cluster must wait for the iSCSI target
> devices to sweep connections to the corrupted node, it can do by
> the other type plugins instead of 'pingAllAddr'. Their task is to
> ask iSCSI target devices about completion of connection sweeping.
> Vice-versa is also true. Any plugin which follows the explained
> convention can work together with 'pingAllAddr'.
> It can also be avalable by another tag-attibute like this:
>   <primitive type="external/ssh class="stonith" task="shoot" ...>
> I hope some kind of agreement will be made about this problem.

This new concept does make sense with the ssh plugin. However,
all other plugins function in a significantly different way and I
don't see how this can apply to them.



> Best regard.
> -- 
> Takenaka Kazuhiro <takenaka.kazuhiro at oss.ntt.co.jp>

> #!/bin/bash
> # 'sshAltered' is almost same as 'external/ssh' except 2 points.
> # 1) This plugin logs some debug messages into /var/log/stonith.log.
> # 2) This plugin doesn't ping to confirm death of the target after
> #    this shoots them if the value of ${shoot_only} is "yes".
> #
> # External STONITH module for ssh.
> #
> # Copyright (c) 2004 SUSE LINUX AG - Lars Marowsky-Bree <lmb at suse.de>
> #
> # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
> # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
> # published by the Free Software Foundation.
> #
> # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
> # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> #
> # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
> # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
> # or the like.  Any license provided herein, whether implied or
> # otherwise, applies only to this software file.  Patent licenses, if
> # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
> # other software, or any other product whatsoever.
> #
> # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> # along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation,
> # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
> #
> SSH_COMMAND="/usr/bin/ssh -q -x -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -n -l root" 
> #SSH_COMMAND="/usr/bin/ssh -q -x -n -l root"
> REBOOT_COMMAND="echo 'sleep 2; /sbin/reboot -nf' | SHELL=/bin/sh at now >/dev/null 2>&1"
> # Warning: If you select this poweroff command, it'll physically
> # power-off the machine, and quite a number of systems won't be remotely
> # revivable.
> # TODO: Probably should touch a file on the server instead to just
> # prevent heartbeat et al from being started after the reboot.
> # POWEROFF_COMMAND="echo 'sleep 2; /sbin/poweroff -nf' | SHELL=/bin/sh at now >/dev/null 2>&1"
> POWEROFF_COMMAND="echo 'sleep 2; /sbin/reboot -nf' | SHELL=/bin/sh at now >/dev/null 2>&1"
> # Rewrite the hostlist to accept "," as a delimeter for hostnames too.
> hostlist=`echo $hostlist | tr ',' ' '`
> is_host_up() {
>   for j in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
>   do
>     if
>       ping -w1 -c1 "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
>     then
>       sleep 1
>     else
>       return 1
>     fi
>   done
>   return 0
> }
> savelog() { 
>     echo $(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') ${0##*/} "$@" >> /var/log/stonith.log; }
> EXIT() { savelog EXIT $subcmd "$@"; exit "$@";}
> savelog "ARGS" "$@" = $hostlist
> subcmd=$1
> case $1 in
> gethosts)
> 	for h in $hostlist ; do
> 	    echo $h
> 	done
> 	EXIT 0
> 	;;
> on)
> 	# Can't really be implemented because ssh cannot power on a system
> 	# when it is powered off.
> 	EXIT 1
> 	;;
> off)
> 	# Shouldn't really be implemented because if ssh cannot power on a 
> 	# system, it shouldn't be allowed to power it off.
> 	EXIT 1
> 	;;
> reset)
> 	for h in $hostlist
> 	do
> 	  if
>             [ "$h" != "$2" ]
>           then
>             continue
>           fi
>           if
>             case ${livedangerously} in
>               [Yy]*)	is_host_up $h;;
> 	      *)	true;;
>              esac
>           then
> 	    # Good thing this is only for testing...
> 	    # Shooting only, 
> 	    # in other words, skip status verification of the shot node
> 	    if [[ "$shoot_only" = yes ]]; then
>               EXIT 1
> 	    fi
>             if
>               is_host_up $h
>             then
>               EXIT 1
>             else
>               EXIT 0
>             fi
>           else
>             # well... Let's call it successful, after all this is only for testing...
>             EXIT 0
>           fi
> 	done
> 	EXIT 1
> 	;;
> status)
> 	if
> 	  [ -z "$hostlist" ]
> 	then
> 	  EXIT 1
> 	fi
> 	for h in $hostlist
> 	do
> 	  if
>             ping -w1 -c1 "$h" 2>&1 | grep "unknown host"
>           then
> 	    EXIT 1
> 	  fi
> 	done
> 	EXIT 0
> 	;;
> getconfignames)
> 	echo "hostlist"
> 	EXIT 0
> 	;;
> getinfo-devid)
> 	echo "ssh STONITH device"
> 	EXIT 0
> 	;;
> getinfo-devname)
> 	echo "ssh STONITH external device"
> 	EXIT 0
> 	;;
> getinfo-devdescr)
> 	echo "ssh-based Linux host reset"
> 	echo "Fine for testing, but not suitable for production!"
> 	EXIT 0
> 	;;
> getinfo-devurl)
> 	echo "http://openssh.org"
> 	EXIT 0
> 	;;
> getinfo-xml)
> 	cat << SSHXML
> <parameters>
> <parameter name="hostlist" unique="1" required="1">
> <content type="string" />
> <shortdesc lang="en">
> Hostlist
> </shortdesc>
> <longdesc lang="en">
> The list of hosts that the STONITH device controls
> </longdesc>
> </parameter>
> <parameter name="livedangerously" unique="0" required="0">
> <content type="enum" />
> <shortdesc lang="en">
> Live Dangerously!!
> </shortdesc>
> <longdesc lang="en">
> Set to "yes" if you want to risk your system's integrity.
> Of course, since this plugin isn't for production, using it
> in production at all is a bad idea.  On the other hand,
> setting this parameter to yes makes it an even worse idea.
> Viva la Vida Loca!
> </longdesc>
> </parameter>
> </parameters>
> 	EXIT 0
> 	;;
> *)
> 	EXIT 1
> 	;;
> esac

> #!/bin/bash
> # 'pingAllAddr' doesn't shoot its targets, this plugin only confirms death of 
> # the targets. 'pingAllAddr' pings the IP addresses of the targets specified 
> # in cib.xml. If any of the IP addresses don't respond,  'pingAllAddr'
> # exits with a successful status, otherwise it exits with an error status.
> savelog() { 
>     echo $(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') ${0##*/} "$@" >> /var/log/stonith.log; }
> EXIT() { savelog EXIT $subcmd "$@"; exit "$@";}
> are_all_addrs_dead()
> {
>     savelog ENTER are_all_addrs_dead
>     declare local host=$1
>     for name in ${!addrlist*}; do
> 	savelog ADDR $name
> 	eval set -- \$$name
> 	if [[ "$1" = "$host" ]]; then
> 	    shift
> 	    for addr in "$@"; do
> 		savelog ping $addr
> 		if ping -w1 -c1 "$addr" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
> 		    savelog PING OK $addr
> 		    return 1
> 		fi
> 		savelog PING NG $addr
> 	    done
> 	    return 0
> 	fi
>     done
>     return 1
> }
> hostlist=`echo $hostlist | tr ',' ' '`
> savelog "ARGS" "$@" = "$hostlist"
> subcmd=$1
> case $1 in
> gethosts)
>     for h in $hostlist ; do
> 	echo $h
>     done
>     EXIT 0
>     ;;
> on)
>     EXIT 1
>     ;;
> off)
>     EXIT 1
>     ;;
> reset)
>     sleep ${initial_wait:0}
>     for h in $hostlist; do
> 	if [ "$h" != "$2" ]; then
> 	    continue
> 	fi
> 	savelog CALL are_all_addrs_dead
> 	if are_all_addrs_dead $h; then
> 	    EXIT 0
> 	fi
> 	EXIT 1
>     done
>     ;;
> status)
>     if [ -z "$hostlist" ]; then
> 	EXIT 1
>     fi
>     EXIT 0
>     ;;
> getconfignames)
>     echo "hostlist"
>     EXIT 0
>     ;;
> getinfo-devid)
>     echo "isNodeAlive"
>     EXIT 0
>     ;;
> getinfo-devname)
>     echo "isNodeAlive device"
>     EXIT 0
>     ;;
> getinfo-devdescr)
>     echo "isNodeAlive"
>     EXIT 0
>     ;;
> getinfo-devurl)
>     echo ""
>     EXIT 0
>     ;;
> getinfo-xml)
> 	cat << EOX
> <parameters>
> <parameter name="hostlist" unique="1" required="1">
> <content type="string" />
> <shortdesc lang="en">
> Hostlist
> </shortdesc>
> <longdesc lang="en">
> The list of hosts that the STONITH device controls
> </longdesc>
> </parameter>
> </parameters>
>     EXIT 0
>     ;;
> *)
>     EXIT 1
>     ;;
> esac

> <!-- vim:set sw=2 ts=8: -->
> <cib epoch="1" num_updates="1" admin_epoch="0">
>   <configuration>
>     <crm_config>
>       <cluster_property_set id="cib-bootstrap-options">
> 	<attributes>
> 	  <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-no-quorum-policy" name="no-quorum-policy" value="ignore"/>
> 	  <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-stonith-enabled" name="stonith-enabled" value="true"/>
> 	  <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-default-resource-stickiness" name="default-resource-stickiness" value="INFINITY"/>
> 	  <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-default-resource-failure-stickiness" name="default-resource-failure-stickiness" value="-INFINITY"/>
> 	  <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-default-action-timeout" name="default-action-timeout" value="120s"/>
> 	</attributes>
>       </cluster_property_set>
>     </crm_config>
>     <nodes/>
>     <resources>
>       <primitive id="dummy" class="ocf" type="Dummy" provider="heartbeat">
> 	<operations>
> 	  <op id="dummy:start"   name="start" timeout="30" on_fail="restart"/>
> 	  <op id="dummy:monitor" name="monitor" timeout="30" on_fail="fence" interval="10"/>
> 	  <op id="dummy:stop"    name="stop" timeout="30" on_fail="fence"/>
> 	</operations>
>       </primitive>
>       <clone id="clnFencing" globally_unique="false">
>         <instance_attributes id="clnFencing:attr">
>           <attributes>
>             <nvpair id="clnFencing:attr:clone_max" name="clone_max" value="2"/>
>             <nvpair id="clnFencing:attr:clone_node_max" name="clone_node_max" value="1"/>
>           </attributes>
>         </instance_attributes>
> 	<group id="grpFencing">
> 	  <primitive id="prmSshAltered" class="stonith" type="external/sshAltered">
> 	    <operations>
> 	      <op id="prmSshAltered:op:monitor" name="monitor" interval="5s" timeout="20s" prereq="nothing"/>
> 	      <op id="prmSshAltered:op:start"   name="start" timeout="20s" prereq="nothing"/>
> 	    </operations>
> 	    <instance_attributes id="prmSshAltered:attr">
> 	      <attributes>
> 		 <nvpair id="prmSshAltered:attr:hostlist"   name="hostlist"   value="node01,node02"/>
> 		 <nvpair id="prmSshAltered:attr:shoot_only" name="shoot_only" value="yes"/>
> 	      </attributes>
> 	    </instance_attributes>
> 	  </primitive>
> 	  <primitive id="prmPingAllAddr" class="stonith" type="external/pingAllAddr">
> 	    <operations>
> 	      <op id="prmPingAllAddr:op:monitor" name="monitor" interval="5s" timeout="20s" prereq="nothing"/>
> 	      <op id="prmPingAllAddr:op:start"   name="start" timeout="20s" prereq="nothing"/>
> 	    </operations>
> 	    <instance_attributes id="prmPingAllAddr:attr">
> 	      <attributes>
> 		 <nvpair id="prmPingAllAddr:attr:hostlist" name="hostlist" value="node01,node02"/>
> 		 <nvpair id="prmPingAllAddr:attr:initial_wait" name="initial_wait" value="5"/>
> 		 <nvpair id="prmPingAllAddr:attr:addrlist01" name="addrlist01" value="node01"/>
> 		 <nvpair id="prmPingAllAddr:attr:addrlist02" name="addrlist02" value="node02"/>
> 	      </attributes>
> 	    </instance_attributes>
> 	  </primitive>
> 	</group>
>       </clone>
>     </resources>
>     <constraints>
>       <rsc_location rsc="dummy" id="dummy:location1" >
> 	<rule id="dummy:rule1" score="200">
> 	  <expression id="dummy:exp1" attribute="#uname" operation="eq" value="node01"/>
> 	</rule>
> 	<rule id="dummy:rule2" score="100">
> 	  <expression id="dummy:exp2" attribute="#uname" operation="eq" value="node02"/>
> 	</rule>
>       </rsc_location>
>     </constraints>
>   </configuration>
> </cib>

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> Pacemaker mailing list
> Pacemaker at clusterlabs.org
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