[Pacemaker] RFC: How do you upgrade?

Andrew Beekhof beekhof at gmail.com
Tue May 13 06:50:08 UTC 2008

On May 13, 2008, at 8:43 AM, Junko IKEDA wrote:

>> Cluster wide.
>> Backup cib.xml
>> Stop all monitor operations
>> Set all resources unmanaged
>> Stop heartbeat on all nodes
>> Upgrade heartbeat / install pacemaker on all nodes
>> Start heartbeat on all nodes
>> See what the cluster would do when re-activating it
>> <beekhof> before you turn back on is-managed...
>> <beekhof> cibadmin -Ql > tmp.xml
>> <beekhof> vi tmp.xml (change is-managed)
>> <beekhof> ptest -VVVVV -X tmp.xml -D tmp.dot
>> <beekhof> look in tmp.dot and see what we'd do
>> If that's to my linking:
>> Set all resources managed
>> Start all monitor operations
> It worked. Thanks!
> That's the point to set both of disabled="true" and  
> is_managed="false".

is_managed means don't do anything further to the resource's state  
(ie. stop/start actions) but doesn't include _checking_ the resource's  
start with monitor actions.  for that, one needs disabled=true on the  
recurring op.

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