[Pacemaker] CRM and openAIS

Andrew Beekhof beekhof at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 17:52:35 UTC 2008

On Jan 10, 2008, at 5:43 PM, Serge Dubrouski wrote:

> Hello -
> So I've beem looking for some documentation how to marry CRM and
> openAIS and so far found none. I suppose that openAIS should support
> some kind of crm {} section in openais.conf file like it does for amf,
> is it true? Are there any hints on how to make openAIS to start CRM?

i'll have to write a howto on this when the official packages get  
released next week, but for now:

1) you need to get the openais^, pacemaker-ais and heartbeat-common  
packages from http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/beekhof/
2) set up a regular openais configuration. eg.
totem {
	version: 2
	secauth: off
	threads: 0
	interface {
		ringnumber: 0
		mcastport: 5405

logging {
	fileline: off
	to_syslog: yes
	syslog_facility: daemon
	to_stderr: yes
	to_file: yes
	logfile: /var/log/openais.log
	debug: on
	timestamp: on
	logger {
		ident: CRM
		debug: on
		tags: enter|leave|trace1|trace2|trace3|trace4|trace6
		fileline: off

amf {
	mode: disabled

3) add the following to /etc/ais/openais.conf
aisexec {
	user:	root
	group:	root

4) run: /etc/init.d/ais start

5) repeat on the rest of your nodes.

6) thats it.  the same cib configuration can be used.  um, except for  
the nodes section... probably best to wipe that (since the UUIDs wont  
be the same)

7) send feedback :-)

^ only the packages at that location have the two extra patches (one  
from red hat, one from me) required for running pacemaker

> Thanks.
> -- 
> Serge Dubrouski.
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