Hi there,<br><br>I have setup a two node DRBD culster with pacemaker using the instructions provided on the <a href="http://drbd.org/" target="_blank">drbd.org</a> website: <a href="http://www.drbd.org/users-guide-emb/ch-pacemaker.html" target="_blank">http://www.drbd.org/users-guide-emb/ch-pacemaker.html</a>
The cluster works perfectly and I can migrate the resources back and
forth between the two nodes without a problem. However, if I try
simulating a complete server failure of the master node by powering off
the server, pacemaker does not then automatically bring up the
remaining node as the master. I need some help to find out what
configuration changes I need to make in order for my cluster to
failover automatically.<br>
<br>The cluster is built on 2 Redhat EL 5.3 servers running the following software versions:<br>drbd-8.3.6-1<br>pacemaker-1.0.5-4.1<br>openais-0.80.5-15.1<br><br>Below
I have listed the drbd.conf, openais.conf and the output of "crm
configuration show". If someone could take a look at these for me and
provide any suggestions/modifications I would be most grateful.<br>
<br>Thanks,<br>Tom <br><br>/etc/drbd.conf<br><br>global {<br> usage-count no;<br>}<br>common {<br> protocol C;<br>}<br>resource r0 {<br> disk {<br> fencing resource-only;<br> }<br> handlers {<br> fence-peer "/usr/lib/drbd/crm-fence-peer.<div id=":10o" class="ii gt">
after-resync-target "/usr/lib/drbd/crm-unfence-peer.sh";<br> }<br> syncer {<br> rate 40M;<br> }<br> on mq001.back.live.cwwtf.local {<br> device /dev/drbd1;<br> disk /dev/cciss/c0d0p1;<br>
address <a href="" target="_blank"></a>;<br> meta-disk internal;<br> }<br> on mq002.back.live.cwwtf.local {<br> device /dev/drbd1;<br> disk /dev/cciss/c0d0p1;<br>
address <a href="" target="_blank"></a>;<br>
meta-disk internal;<br> }<br>}<br><br><br>root@mq001:~# cat /etc/ais/openais.conf <br>totem {<br> version: 2<br> token: 3000<br> token_retransmits_before_loss_const: 10<br> join: 60<br> consensus: 1500<br> vsftype: none<br>
max_messages: 20<br> clear_node_high_bit: yes<br> secauth: on<br> threads: 0<br> rrp_mode: passive<br> interface {<br> ringnumber: 0<br> bindnetaddr:<br> mcastaddr:<br> mcastport: 5405<br>
}<br> interface {<br> ringnumber: 1<br> bindnetaddr:<br> mcastaddr:<br> mcastport: 5405<br> }<br>}<br>logging {<br> to_stderr: yes<br> debug: on<br> timestamp: on<br> to_file: no<br>
to_syslog: yes<br> syslog_facility: daemon<br>}<br>amf {<br> mode: disabled<br>}<br>service {<br> ver: 0<br> name: pacemaker<br> use_mgmtd: yes<br>}<br>aisexec {<br> user: root<br> group: root<br>}<br>
<br><br>root@mq001:~# crm configure show<br>node mq001.back.live.cwwtf.local<br>node mq002.back.live.cwwtf.local<br>primitive activemq-emp lsb:bbc-activemq-emp<br>primitive activemq-forge-services lsb:bbc-activemq-forge-services<br>
primitive activemq-social lsb:activemq-social<br>primitive drbd_activemq ocf:linbit:drbd \<br> params drbd_resource="r0" \<br> op monitor interval="15s"<br>primitive fs_activemq ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \<br>
params device="/dev/drbd1" directory="/drbd" fstype="ext3"<br>primitive ip_activemq ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \<br> params ip="" nic="eth0"<br>group activemq fs_activemq ip_activemq activemq-forge-services activemq-emp activemq-social<br>
ms ms_drbd_activemq drbd_activemq \<br> meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1" notify="true"<br>colocation activemq_on_drbd inf: activemq ms_drbd_activemq:Master<br>
order activemq_after_drbd inf: ms_drbd_activemq:promote activemq:start<br>property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \<br> dc-version="1.0.5-462f1569a43740667daf7b0f6b521742e9eb8fa7" \<br> cluster-infrastructure="openais" \<br>
expected-quorum-votes="2" \<br> no-quorum-policy="ignore" \<br> last-lrm-refresh="1260809203"</div>