[Pacemaker] email alert by crm_mon?

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Wed May 6 02:27:11 EDT 2009

Here is the help text from the latest sources:

Usage: crm_mon mode [options]
 -?, --help 		This text
 -$, --version 		Version information
 -V, --verbose 		Increase debug output

 -h, --as-html=value	Write cluster status to the named file
 -w, --web-cgi 		Web mode with output suitable for cgi
 -s, --simple-status 	Display the cluster status once as a simple one
line output (suitable for nagios)
 -S, --snmp-traps=value	Send SNMP traps to this station
 -T, --mail-to=value	Send Mail alerts to this user.  See also
--mail-from, --mail-host, --mail-prefix

Display Options:
 -n, --group-by-node 	Group resources by node
 -r, --inactive 	Display inactive resources
 -f, --failcounts 	Display resource fail counts
 -o, --operations 	Display resource operation history
 -t, --timing-details 	Display resource operation history with timing details

Additional Options:
 -i, --interval=value		Update frequency in seconds
 -1, --one-shot 		Display the cluster status once on the console and exit
 -N, --disable-ncurses 		Disable the use of ncurses
 -d, --daemonize 		Run in the background as a daemon
 -p, --pid-file=value		(Advanced) Daemon pid file location
 -F, --mail-from=value		Mail alerts should come from the named user
 -H, --mail-host=value		Mail alerts should be sent via the named host
 -P, --mail-prefix=value	Subjects for mail alerts should start with this string


Display the cluster´s status on the console with updates as they occur:

	# crm_mon

Display the cluster´s status on the console just once then exit:

	# crm_mon -1

Display your cluster´s status, group resources by node, and include
inactive resources in the list:

	# crm_mon --group-by-node --inactive

Start crm_mon as a background daemon and have it write the cluster´s
status to an HTML file:

	# crm_mon --daemonize --as-html /path/to/docroot/filename.html

Start crm_mon as a background daemon and have it send email alerts:

	# crm_mon --daemonize --mail-to user at example.com --mail-host mail.example.com

Start crm_mon as a background daemon and have it send SNMP alerts:

	# crm_mon --daemonize --snmp-traps snmptrapd.example.com

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 3:42 PM, Juha Heinanen <jh at tutpro.com> wrote:
> i'm trying to figure out, how to make heartbeat/pacemaker combo to send
> an email alert when a resource dies on a node or is started on another
> node.
> i searched archives and found this:
>  On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 03:18, 可可熊 <cocobear.cn at gmail.com> wrote:
>  > for example, there are two nodes,  when one  node down, another node
>  > can know this,  can this node mail this information?
>  newer versions of pacemaker support this as part of the crm_mon daemon.
>  the advantage of this method is that the daemon monitors _all_ resource
>  events.
> how new crm_mon needs to be in order to have this functionality?  i have
> pacemaker 1.0.2-2 running and 'crm_mon --help' does not contain anything
> about email alerts.  also, debian pacemaker package does not contain an
> init script to start crm_mon as a deamon.
> -- juha
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